Guys, what’s up with the whole “if you can’t fuck it, kill it” mentality? If a girl is not into you like “that,” she’s just not into you. Period. The End. Change your focus. Move on. Don’t take it personal. Calling a woman a bitch or a cunt or a whore because she doesn’t respond to your advances is kind of self-defeating, don’t you think? Actually, it’s ABUSIVE and you’re only proving to her that you’re a piece of shit, not worthy of her grace.
Is your ego that fragile? Are you that easily butthurt? No woman wants a guy like that. It’s a sign of weakness and bad things to come. Would you want a woman like that — one who quickly lashes out and becomes negative and abusive towards you, who humiliates you, just because she didn’t get her way?
Who knows she might have changed her mind in the next sentence, or maybe she was just testing you to see what kind of person you really are. And guess what? You just burned that bridge for good, dumb ass.
There’s a whole sea of women out there looking for men, but there’s an entire population of women out there who should be treated with dignity and respect, just like you want to be treated. Calling them cunts and whores just makes it harder for the next guy, like the last guy made it harder for you. (And explain to me, please, how a woman can be a “whore” for NOT wanting to have sex with you?) Women are inherently suspicious of men — and rightfully so, for the reasons you just exhibited. You’ve not only proven yourself a piece of shit to them, but to the rest of us men who actually admire and respect and cherish and appreciate women.
Do the rest of us all a favor, get a hold of yourself. Think before you respond — with your head, not your cock. The keyword there is RESPOND — don’t REACT. Your impulsive negative reaction only validates their gut instinct, that they weren’t interested to begin with. Women are far more intuitive than you think, you likely gave off that energy at hello.
Try a new approach: be nice, be polite, better to err on the side of friendship than to burn that bridge forever. You’ll find that most women, like most men, like most of humanity in general, are always open to make a new friend, if nothing else. Some of my best friends are women who weren’t “interested” yet they love me and I love them and I can’t imagine my life without their love and friendship, nor they without mine.
As a child my mother said to me, ‘If you grow up to be a soldier, you will become a general. If you grow up to be a monk, you will become the Pope.’ Instead, I grew up to be a degenerate, and now I’m publisher of SCREW.